IFYO01 1969 Car Park outside of Concert Marquee looking up into mountains

IFYO02 1969 Leopold Stokowski conducting IFYO special orchestra. Grand Hotel Kurhaus, Bad

IFYO03 1969 Members of the MYO. Outside Grand Hotel Kurhaus, Bad

IFYO04 1969 Same again

IFYO05 1969 Concert Hall/Marquee

IFYO06 1969 Same again

IFYO07 1969 Liz Stevenson (flt) and Fran Hoult (cello) in Concert Marquee

IFYO08 1969 St. Moritz Bad

IFYO09 1969 Fran Hoult and Liz Stevenson Concert Marquee in background

IFYO10 1969 Concert Marquee is big!

IFYO11 1969 Same again

IFYO12 1969 St. Moritz Bad

IFYO13 1969 Sunday, August 24th it snowed on the morning of our concert!!

IFYO14 1969 another shot from my room in the Hotel Laudinella, Bad!!

IFYO15 1969 Chantarella Bahn the first leg to going up to Piz Nair

IFYO16 1969 Ian Ludford throwing a snowball (double exposure or reflection??)

IFYO17 1969 Fran Hoult getting sunburnt at the top of Piz Nair 3057m!

IFYO18 1969 View from Piz Nair towards Silvaplana and Sils

IFYO19 1969 View from Piz Nair

IFYO20 1969 Observation platform of Cafe

IFYO21 1969 Cable car from Corviglia

IFYO22 1969 Same place looking down at St. Moritz

IFYO23 1969 Stunning view from Cable car!

IFYO24 1969 St. Moritz from Cable car!